What are you ready for?

you found your way here, why?

What we do

We are knowledge enthusiasts. NOT academics, as is defined in an institution. Rather we share information as pure as we can find it. With no curriculum based learning modules or agendas. Our lessons are designed to study you as you study them. Allowing each person to have a unique experience with our site. 

Hats and pens!?

Dive into the online culture of hacking and learn how they communicate, where to find them, and what they really can do.

Only Those Wounded Can Gain Restorative Wisdom.

-I H Thomas


People Paid


cases handled for free



Right Now

In the past we actively sought out individuals of the community that were the most at risk, and in need of assistance. Outreach has been limited for the time being. However if there is anything that you need help with, please fill out the contact form below and we will get back to you when we reach your message.